Dr Mohammed Abbas  FRCPsych, M.Med, Sci.,MB ChB

Medical Director & Consultant Psychiatrist

Dr Mo is a Medical Director, Consultant Psychiatrist, and an Honorary Associate Professor at Leicester University.

His research interests include:

Suicide: The development of  a new scale of eliciting the meanings (motives) of suicidal/self-harming behaviour, the first author of the first report of the Iraqi National Study of Suicide. 

Schizophrenia: co-authored a new evolutionary theory of schizophrenia (Abed and Abbas, 2011) Case formulation (CF) in psychology and psychiatry: led the development of a new model of psychiatric CF.  Published more than 28 papers in pier reviewed journals, list is found here: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mohammed-Abbas-5/research

He has received awards and recognitions: 

"Winner of the Royal College of Psychiatrist" Award

Psychiatrist Volunteer of the Year, 2015 

Shortlisting of University of Leicester (in collaboration with Kufa Medical School) to the Times Higher Education Awards in 2017 (International Impact Award)

TedX Leicester Talk (Change Is A Journey) in 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPQNfBKzjVg